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The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, revised and updated edition, is the most complete, up-to-date, and accessible guide for the study of the Bible available today. With more than 4,000 lively, informative, and reader-friendly entries, this essential reference book provides all the information you need to understand the Bible. Whether you are a pastor, layperson, or a student of scripture, you...

(jay´shuhr; Heb., “upright, righteous”), a source apparently containing heroic songs, cited twice in the Bible: in the account of Joshua’s battle at Gibeon, when “the sun stood still” (Josh. 10:13), and again in David’s lamentation for Saul and Jonathan (2 Sam. 1:18). A third possible citation from this source is 1 Kings 8:12–13, where the LXX adds, “is it not written in the book of songs.” The Book of Jashar was apparently a collection of archaic poetry that, though well known in
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